Missing you card

A card sent on its way and now received. I even have a photo of it in its new home all the way across the pond. (Although I was glad to receive it I confess to being more interested in the person holding it!)

wishing wishing 2 pix in 1

Materials: White A5 card blank. Circles made using the Print and Cut feature of the Silhouette Cameo. Cloud designed by me and print and cut in the same way.


Monkeys have their own section

They’ve been bugging me for a while to do it – I think they’d like their own blog but that might be more than they can handle. They don’t have fingers after all!!

Up in the menu bar you’ll see a link for Monkeys (or you can click here!) I will update this section as and when monkeys have more adventures. Feel free to send them fan mail, c/o me!!

At the Guggenheim - Bilbao
At the Guggenheim – Bilbao

Scrapbook page – with emailed photo

The problem with living so far away from a large amount of our family is that we don’t get to see the ones we love anywhere near enough. But, the wonder of technology means it can ‘feel’ like we’re never that far apart. This photo was emailed to us – or possibly it came via a mobile phone, I can’t remember! – either way, it meant that we could receive the waves, and love being sent to us from thousands of miles away. I love that!

So, here is a page I made, just for fun and because I loved the photo. Hope it makes you smile too 🙂


New home artwork


Something new that I’ve been holding onto for a while, and can finally blog: The No Place Like Home piece.

Made for my sister and brother-in-law using card-stock, printer ink, glue and a whole lot of love 😉

The artwork itself is A4 in size, so it’s quite a big piece. The mailbox is thanks to the inspiration of my husband, so I dedicate it to him as he comes from the land of mailboxes that look like that!!

This was yet another time to realise how much I love my Silhouette Cameo – every home should have one. Or better yet, everyone should contact me so I can make something for their home using mine!!

Pretty paper penguin

Some days I have ideas but no time to make them happen. Inspiration can strike in the strangest of places. It’s frustrating keeping those ideas in my head while I get on with ‘real life’.  This project is a perfect example of that. I’ve been planning to make this for a long time. (Along with the other projects that are still floating around in my brain – I’ll get to you all, I promise!!)

I had to wait a little while to blog her as I wanted her to be in her new home before hand. As she is now safely delivered, I can, without further ado, give you the Eva Penguin ….


I have to say I’m very pleased with the way she has turned out. (The frame is about 9 inches square in case anyone is curious!)


I’m currently working on an octopus – for no other reason than I can 🙂 Are there any other animals I should attempt? Please don’t suggest monkeys or frogs – if you know me outside of Blogland you’ll know that they just go without saying!! I haven’t yet decided if I should put pictures such as this for sale in my shop, do let me know if you’d like one!

New home card

Ironically enough, the reason I’ve been away from my blog for so long is that we moved house not that long ago. So there would be reason for me to send this card to myself…


However, I haven’t entirely lost the plot, my sister and her husband also moved recently. So this card was for them.


I can’t begin to describe how lovely it was to actually make something again. My office/craft room (yes room… so excited by that!) is still a mess, but I decided I just *needed* to make some things.

So over the next few posts I plan to share the things I’ve been making. It’s good to be back!

Materials: Image stamp and digital papers by Pink Petticoat. (My new favourite place to buy supplies!) Buttons from Fantastic Ribbons. Twine.

It’s been a while, huh?!

Life just got on top of me lately. What with a never-ending bug and a large work schedule, there’s just not been any time for crafting. Which I hate. But, hopefully things are improving slowly – I’m not sick any more thankfully! And the mountain of work has become a small mole hill. Which means I can craft again. Yaay!

This page is a scrap-lift of a page used in a challenge over at Pixels & Company. I loved the original so much that I wanted to duplicate it. Plus a lift is an easy way back into scrapping.


I’ve also got some cards to share but I don’t want to overwhelm my poor neglected blog so I’ll save those for another day!

Cute cards

It’s been chaos here lately as I try to keep up with everything. I must remember that there are only 24 hours in a day. Could anyone lend me a few?!

Here are a couple of cards made fairly recently. I think they’re quite cute! They (or some very similar) are available for sale via etsy, or folksy, or even Facebook. Whichever way you’d like to get in touch!!

sweethearts swing